Social Media (SMO) Effective Solution for SEO

Learning Social Media Marketing is not rocket science for this generation while you have access to all tools to study. Yet, strategy building is the most important role for any media of marketing when it comes to competing with the business world. 

Social Media is an integral part of your search engine optimization strategy. Social media offers guaranteed website promotion and effective SEO PR. Here are 8 key reasons you should be utilizing this free marketing resource.

Brand Recognition: The more platforms your brand has a presence within the more potential customers will identify your business. The longer you are present the more popular you become – consistency equals recognition. Social media offers versatile and free brand advertising. Once people become familiar with your brand they are more likely to do business with you.

Brand Monitoring: Social networking allows you to listen with a glass against the wall so to speak. You can monitor negative and positive comments regarding your brand and address them accordingly. In this respect, social media provides a fantastic market research arena.

Be Discoverable: Social media sites have rapidly become a normal part of everyday life. If you are not present your target audience will find it strange. Don’t be the company that people search for but is absent without care – your target audience will simply find another company who does care.

Find New Customers Through Friends: Primarily you are using social media for business, but don’t forget to maintain your accounts and promote your business activities to friends. Word-of-mouth is still a very powerful profit driver.

Target Customers Through Your Company Profile: Your company profile doesn’t need to remain the same for months on end. Attract new customers and industry relationships by updating your status, business activities and commenting on the latest industry developments. This is the most effective way of staying relevant. Your profile also can be picked up within the search engine listings providing you with additional SEO PR.

Guaranteed Website Promotion: Posting on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn will generate links back to your website. Social bookmarking with Digg and Stumbleupon will drive traffic from your articles and blog posts. This is guaranteed website promotion from targeted traffic.

Increased Search Engine Rankings: Social media forms an integral part of your search engine optimization strategy. Profiles can be ranked highly in search engines if brand names and specific keywords are used correctly.

Strengthen Your Search Engine Optimization Strategy: Posts, particularly Twitter posts, are increasingly being indexed and ranked by Google, Yahoo and Bing. YouTube is a Google favourite and another social media platform you should be taking advantage of. Optimize your YouTube profile, video titles and descriptions like you would any other social media profile.



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